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Finished Patio!

We completed the patio a couple months ago, and have already hosted a couple of events outside. We are really looking forward to the warmer weather next year to be able to truly enjoy it.

We added the pergola from Costco and a new barbecue set up from Lowe's.

The set up came with a sink, cooler, barbecue, fridge, and tons of storage. I see many bbqs with friends and family in our future!

We also added lighting to the pergola and several strands attached to the house. We are loving the extra light and ambiance the string lights add to the patio. 

The retaining wall in the back adds extra seating and holds back the land. 

We also bought a patio swing for the front porch that has been nice for watching the dogs play in the front yard. 

We also recently purchased our fourth house (3rd rental property) and are working on getting it all fixed up! We now have:

-Our 1912 Craftsman bungalow
-1928 Craftsman duplex (rented out)
-1948 mid century home (rented out)
-1920 itty bitty bungalow (soon to be rented out! We are hoping for a December 1 move in date)

These homes are all within 6 blocks of our residence, so it is really nice to be able to walk around and maintain all of our properties.

We are loving being landlords and look forward to continuing to add to our property list. We truly enjoy fixing old houses up and reviving our neighborhood.


  1. How do the appliances do in the rain?

    1. The set is made for the outdoors, so they do just fine! They are under the pergola, so they get very little rain. Also, we live in the desert... so it's really not an issue here.


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